BSc in Applied Geosciences
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- BSc in Applied Geosciences
- About the programme
- Career Opportunities
- Opportunities for further studies
- Skills and attributes gained on graduation
The Bachelor of Science in Applied Geosciences (AGEO) at GUtech is customised to the requirements of Oman and the wider region, building on the expertise of RWTH Aachen University in Germany. The Bachelor’s programme focuses on three areas of key importance to the region’s present and future: energy, water, and mineral resources. In addition to providing a rigorous education with high standards, GUtech places a strong emphasis on the future employability of its graduates. For this reason, many courses in the programme are presented in cooperation with local and international industry partners. Soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, and presentation skills, are integrated throughout the curriculum. From their first day at GUtech students are encouraged to think critically and act responsibly and our professors assist them in developing these competencies accordingly.
Geoscientists pursue exciting careers worldwide. A large demand exists in Oman and the Gulf region for qualified professionals in the field of exploration and production of natural resources, such as oil, gas, minerals, and building materials. Many geoscientists are also employed in the field of water supply and management. Others investigate natural hazards such as floods, or the causes of climate change. Building construction such as tunnels, bridges, or dams typically requires the expertise of geoscientists. Furthermore, in the fast-growing tourism industry, geoscientists may provide specific knowledge of Oman’s geological heritage.
GUtech BSc graduates with a high GPA and good performance in the various geoscience subjects have a very good chance of succeeding in an international university environment in Europe (e.g. UK, Switzerland, and Germany), the US, or Australia.
Many of the AGEO graduates have received scholarships for further studies and were accepted by famous universities worldwide. Others have found excellent opportunities for employment in their field of interest.
Further studies could include Petroleum Geosciences and Engineering, Geophysics, and Hydrology.
The generic attributes and skills that graduates are expected to develop during their undergraduate studies are:
- Ethics – The graduates have developed awareness and holistic understanding of their role as responsible citizens in an increasingly globalised context.
- Critical thinking and problem solving – The graduates are able to engage real-world problems in a theoretically informed, rigorous, and questioning manner. They are able to devise solutions, select the most appropriate one, implement it, and reflect on its performance.
- Creative thinking – The graduates are able to think laterally and develop creative ideas.
- Individual and team work – The graduates have the capability to work effectively alone or in a team, to be self-directed, and to show independent judgment.
- Communication – The graduates are effective communicators, using oral, written, and electronic communication skills. They can interact confidently in a variety of settings, with a range of people from both genders, individually and in team situations, from peers to the wider community.
- Life-long-learning – The graduates appreciate that learning is continuous and have the ability to continue learning throughout life. They have developed a variety of approaches to learning, including self-directed, collaborative and self-reflective processes.
- Sustainability – The graduates have acquired knowledge and have been engaged in a range of practices that enables them to implement sustainability in line with the United Nations SDGs and Oman’s Vision 2040.
Graduates from the BSc in Applied Geosciences will also have developed the following programme-specific attributes and skills:
- Interdisciplinary thinking: the ability to think across a wide range of knowledge.
- Ability to understand self-similar, complex systems that exist across a wide range of scales in length as well as time.
- Accessing, evaluating and synthesising information: the ability to decide what information is important, where to find it, make valid judgments and synthesise information from a range of sources.
- Method and problem solving orientation: the ability to solve problems through exercises in basic and professional orientated disciplines.
- Practical experience: the ability to use state-of-the-art, complex equipment and software for geoscientific investigations, especially in petroleum and hydrogeological fields.
- Research experience: experience in basic geoscientific research and industrial projects.

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+(968) 2206 1111 – 2206 1112
The Bachelor of Science in Applied Geosciences at GUtech is an eight semester (four year) programme. The first three semesters introduce the fundamentals of the study programme in mathematics, natural sciences, and geosciences. The last five semesters focus on key areas of applied geosciences required for a solid grounding in this field, with an introduction to Petroleum Geosciences, Economic Geology, and Hydrogeology.
The programme is taught in English and includes written and oral tests, seminar papers, and a Bachelor’s thesis. Students will also be expected to develop basic communication skills in German. The majority of the courses, including field-based training, are offered in Oman and are taught by GUtech faculty staff based in Muscat. In addition, there are visiting professors from RWTH Aachen University who teach special courses.